Saturday, March 6, 2010

Faux Science & Bullshit

We’ve come to an age where less is more and the quicker you get your information, the better. Now this can in someway lead to us, as designers, wanting to seem more credible, hence, adopting science as our means of communicating our ideas and intentions. However, in the process of doing so, according to Jessica Helfand, we end up creating a sense of “Faux Science” From a designer’s point of view, making design connect with science would actually make sense. Design IS a form of science. It’s about, talking from a graphic designer’s point of view, an attempt at making visual connections with ideas and trains of thought. So does art to a certain degree, but it’s main function is to tell you how it’s artist feels- in which case, by looking at it you make your own meaning form what you see. But science, having achieved such a stable ground on being logical and sound, gives gain credibility because of its history and achievements over the centuries. As for design, well, by using scientific words and associations, it just ends up sounding like bullshit!

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