Sunday, April 18, 2010

Information in Motion

Here's another example of information graphics combined with motion created in an informative yet entertaining manner. I would like to explore its use in physical environments and see if there is a way to incorporate this idea of information and motion in a retail setting that would help manage customer flows and increase volume of sales in the process as well.

Expressive Type

I would really like to explore the effects to typography in public spaces. Is there a way for the type to somehow affect the behaviour in a particular environment? Can typography dictate behaviour? Can it be the dominant force that suggests what public behaviour should be in a particular environment, can it be influential enough to stop people in their tracks and make them adjust their behaviour to meet the requirements of what the type in a particular space suggests? Would people break out of their roles to subject themselves to the design of a typeface?

By taking influences from environmental design and how that discipline uses space, and combining it with graphic principles I feel there can be a way to make typography the dominating factor that controls behaviour.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Creating Narratives

What this clip does is create a narrative between the audience and the subject matter through elements that are infographic in nature, as well as typographic all brought together with motion graphics. Now such methods have been employed many times by different campaigns and infographic videos that explore social issues. That's become a sort of common theme when it comes to creating informative videos that seem visually appealing. But what I'm interested in is introducing one more element to this mix. Clips like these are a great combination of sound, video and type, this one in particular as it leaves you questioning things at the end, but what sort of emotional connection does it develop with it's audience? I feel that's something really worth investigating as to means of combining all these elements to create informative visuals that appealing and able to create a connection through feelings and emotions.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Splinter: 3D Type

Splinter. I've been quite inspired with typography, especially expressive type. This is one of my recent projects where I created a three dimensional typeface using board that was cut up in triangular pieces and then glued to create letter forms. This would be something I would consider for thesis whereabouts I would want to attempt to emulate some for of expression with type, but not to sure how that would work. Currently I'm in the process of forming the outline for how to create 3d type out of plants. In fact, that's a thought, type that grows. For my thesis, creating a set of typefaces that grow to create letter forms. These would be photographed throughout their life's stage from beginning to end and have a video montage of this process made. I like that!

Audi Sinfonie

This is simply brilliant. It's almost a form of story telling through the combination of audio and video by bringing together elements of live action video, digitally synthesised music combined with a live symphonic orchestra. By bringing together all these elements, it creates a unique experience that takes you on a visual joy ride through the production process of Audi to the final thrill of driving out on the open high way. This is interesting because it's something I would like my thesis to include, minus the live orchestra, unless I could get Toronto symphony to collaborate with me. But instead the bringing together of different elements and forming a sort of narrative. That's what I want to explore with graphic design and create some form of audio visual hybrid.